We have told our family, friends and co-workers that we will be riding our bikes around the world for a year. People are excited for us and have a few questions. Below is a list of our top FAQs.


How do you ride over the ocean?

Megan’s Answer: Well, Sean is an excellent engineer, so he has designed a bike that will float. I’m still a little worried about the sharks.

Sean’s Answer: The easiest and cheapest way is to get a used bike box from a bike shop, break it down, and check the box onto the plane with you as luggage. Bike shops throw these boxes away and will gladly find one to fit your bike. Check with the airline and their policies on checked bags. There may be a fee of up to $150.00. This still beats shipping your bike with a mail carrier.

Do you have it all planned out?

Megan’s Answer: Heck no.

Sean’s Answer: We have a flight to Lisbon, Portugal. That’s about all we have planned. We will spend a few days in Lisbon playing tourist, recovering from jet lag, and putting the bikes together. We will make our way to Faro for a few days and enjoy the beaches there. From the south of Portugal, we will start riding and each day will be day to day. Planning too far in advance limits your freedom.

Will you have a smartphone?

Megan’s Answer: Nah, it’s too expensive to have an international plan.

Sean’s Answer: We will have a smart phone without the service part. One of the great things about these trips is you get to live simply and not have a phone attached to your hip 24/7. We will be able to take pictures and use Wi-Fi when available.

Are you staying at hotels?

Megan’s Answer: No, hotels are expensive; we’re not that rich. We’re now unemployed.

Sean’s Answer: As much as we would like to skip the hotels, it is very nice to have space and a bed off the ground. We have several sleeping options in our back pocket. 1. Camping; it’s relatively cheap and gives you a nice place to pitch your tent. 2. Stealth camping; setting our tent where ever we are at the moment. 3. Staying with hosts; it’s a great way to meet people, a place to sleep and often get a free meal. 4. Hostels; cheap accommodations with a bed. 5. Hotels.

Do you have a road bike?

Megan’s Answer: No, road bikes are too fragile for this adventure.

Sean’s Answer: We are using touring specific bikes. These bikes are made out of steel and built to take the abuse of bicycle touring. Loaded down our bike will weigh around 70lbs!

Where are you going?

Megan’s Answer: Europe, Asia and South America, but that could change.

Sean’s Answer:  Everywhere. We don’t exactly know just yet. So just everywhere. As much as it’ll be a surprise for us, it’ll be a surprise for our readers, too. It’s dependent on weather, mountains and our energy level.

Do you wear a backpack to carry your stuff?

Megan’s Answer: Heck no. The weight of a backpack will mess up our elbows and wrists.

Sean’s Answer:  Our bikes are outfitted with panniers (saddlebags) that carry all of our stuff. It’s a nice way to take the weight off of our backs and make the bike carry the load.

Are you scared?

Megan’s Answer: Nah, my husband is a super hero.

Super hero’s Answer: A little. We just quit our jobs, packed up our house and are setting out on an adventure where each day will bring new challenges.

Are you ready to go?

Megan’s Answer: Yes, but I’m pretty sure I’ll cry a little a lot while trying to cycle over mountains. We haven’t trained as much as we should have.

Sean’s Answer: Mentally, YES! Physically, NO. We have been planning this trip for a while. It is really exciting that we are so close to leaving. With that, we have so many things to do before we leave; it is a little overwhelming. Trying to finish up (quit) our jobs; cancel cable, phones plans, insurance, etc.; fit in our last goodbyes, pack our house, make sure we have all of our trip gear, the list goes on – we have so many things to do that I feel it’ll never get completed.