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As a woman, the DivaCup was my FAVORITE piece of gear to bring on our bike touring trip. It’s a perfect replacement for pads and tampons (who has room in their panniers for months worth of that stuff anyways?).  It’s extremely small, lightweight, and reusable – all prefect criteria for a cycling trip. This cup […]

4 ways to cut your bicycle touring gear list.

Choosing bicycle touring gear for your next trip can become a daunting task. There are so many different products at a variety of price ranges. Gear makes the trip more flexible and comfortable. What works for someone else may not work for you. Trying to decipher what to get can be difficult. How do you […]

Best bicycle touring gear

Preparing for a cycling adventure and choosing the best bicycle touring gear is an exciting part of the experience. Doing some research can go a long way in choosing the things that will be closest to you. Choosing the right bike, the best pedal/shoe combination, saddle, panniers, racks, tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, cooking stove, shorts, […]